Tools for managing Sites, Programs, features, users, and data
73 articles
Database Administrator | Table of ContentsHelp articles for managing the Administrator settings in Apricot
Apricot Security and Hosting
My Apricot Tools
Apricot Ideas PortalLet the Product and Development Teams know what features you would like to see in Apricot.
VIDEO | Inventory Management Overview
Apricot SettingsReference the number of user licenses, the list of a la carte features, general configuration settings, usage statistics, and your logo.
System Inactivity Timeout
IP Allowlist (IP Whitelist)Secure your Apricot Database by limiting access to specific IP addresses.
Accessibility Actions MenuExplanation of the Palette Dropdown option contained in the Accessibility section of the Apricot Settings page.
Visibility Options - Screen ContrastApricot Administrators can customize screen colors and contrast levels across an entire Apricot database for visually impaired users.
Program Assignment vs. Program Enrollment"Programs" in Apricot have a different function than the programs your organization offers.
Dashboards in ApricotThis article provides a general overview on the Dashboards feature in Apricot.
BulletinsApricot bulletins allow Administrators to create a message that can be shared on the My Apricot tab landing page.
How to Create Navigation BulletinsWithin Apricot, you can create Bulletins with buttons to navigate to specific pages on the site.
VIDEO | Intro to Site & Program StructureThis video provides an overview of Site and Program Structure in Apricot.
User Information and User PreferencesYour personal user information is found in the top right corner of every Apricot page.
Multifactor Authentication
Super User vs Admin Access
Video | Single Sign On Azure ConfigurationThis video reviews the Azure Configuration Steps for Apricot SSO.
VIDEO | Creating New RolesThis video covers how to create a new role in Apricot Sites with Role Based Permissions.
Import Tool | Table of ContentsThe Apricot Imports Tool is a feature that allows data from an Excel spreadsheet in .csv format to be inserted into the database.
Import: Create Tier 1 Records
Import Update Tier 1 RecordsThe import tool can be used to transfer data from Excel files or from a historic database into Apricot.
Import: Create Tier 2 Records
Import Update Tier 2 Records
Import Links
Imports: Universal Address Lookup Field MappingsThis article addresses the inconsistencies with the Universal Address Lookup subfield names and the field names displayed by the Import Tool
Revert an ImportAfter you have completed an import, you can "revert," or undo, it and remove the records or links you have imported.
Restoring Archived RecordsThis article outlines how to locate and restore records that have been archived in your database.
Record Audit (Record History)
Data ArchivesThe Data Archives allow an Administrator to export data out of Apricot (one form at a time) without building a report.
Internal ReferralsInternal Referrals map a client’s journey through Apricot and allow users to collaborate across service areas.
WorkflowsThis guide will walk you through how to use the Apricot Workflows module.
Workflow PermissionsThis article goes over the Permissions needed for Apricot Users to have access to Workflows.
Secure Web FormThe Apricot Secure Web Form tool allows Administrators to create a direct URL that provides direct access to a data entry form.
Cannot Load Secure Web Form
Document Folder Merge ToolThis tool allows duplicate Tier 1 records to have their document folders merged, combining them into one document folder
Attendance DashboardThis document covers the Attendance Dashboard.
Registration Grid | Custom Dates
Shared Files
Blueprints and the Participant Blueprint FormThe term "Blueprint Form" refers to a restricted form that is included with the latest versions of Apricot
Apricot SandboxA Sandbox is a secondary database in which Administrators can conduct testing or training without making changes in their live site.
Database Backups, Data Imports and ExportsThis article reviews available features or services for backing up, importing and/or exporting data in Apricot.
FAQs | SQL Database ExportsThis living document provides answers for common questions regarding recurring and one-time Apricot database exports.
FAQs | SFTP for Automated Import
FAQs | Apricot API IntegrationThis living document provides answers for common questions regarding Apricot's API integrations.
Converting Date Values in Excel for Exporting ReportsThis article walks you through converting date values in Excel to optimize the filter function of Excel.
Apricot 360 | School Performance TabNon-Profit organizations working in the youth development vertical now have visibility into student data with the School Performance Tab.
COVID-19 Screening Form TemplatesBonterra has developed 4 screening forms that can be found in our template library and used in to any Apricot database.
VIDEO | Intro to Importing DataThis video provides an overview of the Import Tool, including details on Import History, Import Actions, and available Filters.
VIDEO | Attendance DashboardThis video provides an overview of the Attendance Dashboard (Formerly Apricot Insights Dashboard).
VIDEO | Census Data DashboardThis video provides an overview of the Census Data Dashboard in Apricot.
VIDEO | Census Data In Document FolderThis video shows Admin how to enable address fields for Census Data and how to view Census Data in the Document Folder.
Rules & AlertsThis article covers Rules & Alerts, a feature available for Core and 360 sites
VIDEO | Enabling Rules & AlertsThis video provides instruction on how to enable Rules and Alerts in Apricot.
VIDEO | Configuring Rules & AlertsThis video provides an overview of configuring Rules & Alerts, including drop down options and email notifications.
VIDEO | Time-Based AlertsThis video provides an overview of Time-Based Alerts, available now for Apricot 360 Clients
VIDEO | Configuring Time-Based Alerts
Apricot ConnectThis document outlines the second release of Connect capabilities for Apricot Core and 360 customers.
Connect PortalA brief overview of what Participants will see in their Connect Portal and how to change their password.
Apricot Connect: Intake FormsIntake uses a Tier 1 Standard Form from your database to build an Intake Form. It's available to Apricot Core, Apricot 360, AFF, and AVS.
Apricot Connect: Supported FieldsThis is a list of supported and unsupported fields in Connect with other limitations
Registering Participants in ConnectThis article will cover how to register participants in Connect.
Disabling and Archiving Participants in ConnectClarifying the difference between disabling and archiving Connect Participants, and providing instructions on how to do so
Assigning Connect Access to Standard Users
Troubleshooting Connect with your ParticipantsAdministrators can go through these steps with their Connect Participants directly to help troubleshoot basic errors
Connect Webinar and FAQWe hosted a webinar related to Connect and consolidated the most common questions asked during the presentation within this article
VIDEO | Setting Up ConnectThis video reviews how to setup Connect for Apricot.
VIDEO | Direct MessagesThis video reviews sending Direct Messages, both via email and text, in Connect.
Apricot ScheduleIntroducing Apricot Schedule! Apricot Schedule is redefining how appointments are created and conducted in your day-to-day operations.
Calendar Integration with Exchange (Outlook)With the Calendar tool, you can view Outlook calendars' availability from Apricot and add Outlook appointments when filling out records.
Google Calendars IntegrationThis article outlines how to add and use a Gmail calendar within Apricot forms/record creation.
Calendars and the Scheduler FieldThe scheduler field, which can be added to a form for data entry, can be used with an integrated calendar to verify a user's availability.