Apricot's Enrollments feature enhances the participant enrollment and exit experience through standardized data collection. Understanding where a participant is in their program journey is crucial to helping them achieve their goals. Enrollments are the first step to better capture programmatic outcomes and understand the efficacy of your organization's programs.
While program assignments refer to granting users permission to access certain records, program enrollments track which programs your clients are actually participating in. As a best practice, we recommend recording program enrollment data on a Tier 2 form so you can report on all the programs a client has enrolled in over time.
To enroll a single participant in a program, navigate to the Enrollments tab of the participant's Document Folder and select the "Add Program Enrollment" button. Multiple participants can be enrolled in a program at once on the Search Participant Records page by selecting participants and clicking "Enroll in Program" in the Enrollment Actions palette. Then, you can select the program, assigned staff, start date, enrollment notes, and click "Enroll".
In addition to enrolling participants, you can exit them when they complete the program, attach Tier 2 records to the enrollment, and view audit information about actions taken on the enrollment. You can even create inactive program enrollments for participants, and exit multiple participants from a program at once. This data can then be reported on with the Native Reporting tool by dragging any field from the "Enrollments" section of the Field Choices palette into the report.
Review the articles below to learn more about program enrollments and how to collect data on your participants' journey throughout your organization's programs.