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How do I enroll participants in a program?
Updated this week

Enrolling participants in your organization's programs is an important way to track their engagement and progress. Apricot makes it easy to create new program enrollments, whether you're starting from an individual's record or enrolling multiple people at once.

You can create active or inactive program enrollments depending on whether the enrollment is currently ongoing or has an end date. Marking an enrollment as "inactive" allows you to maintain a historical record of the individual's participation, even though they are no longer actively enrolled. Inactive enrollments can also contribute to a more complete picture of your organization's program history and reach over time while keeping your users' focus on managing participants currently engaged in your programs.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to enter current or previous program enrollments for your participants.

Step 1: Open the Document Folder

From the "My Apricot" tab, expand the "Search Records" category of the navigation bar and click on the name of a Tier 1 form to go to its Record Search page. Locate the Tier 1 record you want to enroll, then click any of the gray text to open the Document Folder.

Step 2: Create a single enrollment

Select the Enrollments tab of the Document Folder to view any past or current enrollments for the Tier 1 record. Then, click "Add Program Enrollment" to navigate to the "Enroll in Program" page.

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At the top of the page you'll see the individual record selected for enrollment and the programs they have active Enrollments in.

Scroll down to view the Enrollment Details section, where you'll enter the following information:

  • Program (required): The specific program the individual is enrolled in.

  • Assigned Staff (optional): The user(s) the Enrollment is assigned to. Site Administrators can assign an Enrollment to any user, while Standard Users are only able to assign Enrollments to themselves.

  • Start Date (required): The date the Enrollment began.

  • Enrollment Notes (optional): Any relevant details or milestones related to the Enrollment.

Important: Adding an End Date here will create an inactive program enrollment for the participant, meaning they are no longer engaged with the program by the time the Enrollment is created. You'll also have the option to select an Exit Reason from a dropdown or choose "Other" to type a custom exit reason in a text box.

Click "Enroll" at the bottom of the page to confirm the enrollment details. You'll receive a confirmation pop-up once the enrollment is successful.

Note: Participants cannot have more than one active Enrollment in a single program. Apricot will notify you of an issue if the Start Date for the new Enrollment overlaps with an existing one for the same program.

Step 3: Navigate to a Record Search page

You can enroll multiple participants in a program at once from the Record Search page. Repeat Step 1 and select the name of the Tier 1 form that contains the records you want to enroll.

Instead of going to an individual Tier 1 record's Document Folder, you'll select "Show Enrollment Actions" from the Search Actions palette.

Step 4: Enroll multiple participants

Check the box next to each Tier 1 record that should be enrolled in a program, then select "Enroll in Program" from the Enrollment Actions palette.

Expanding the "Selected for Enrollment" section will display each participant's current Enrollments.

Scroll down to the Enrollment Details section to enter the same information you would for an individual's program enrollment in Step 2.

Important: Adding an End Date here will create an inactive program enrollment for all selected participants, meaning they are no longer engaged with the program by the time the Enrollment is created. You'll have the option to select an Exit Reason from a dropdown or choose "Other" to type a custom exit reason in a text box.

Any values selected in this section will apply to every participant selected in the Record Search page. Click Enroll at the bottom of the page to confirm the participants' Enrollment details.

You'll receive a confirmation pop-up once the enrollment is successful. The below screenshot contains an example of the "Active enrollment already exists" error you'll receive if the participant is already currently enrolled in the same program.

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