Program enrollments in Apricot offer a standardized way to track and manage an individual's participation in a specific program or service offered by your organization. An Enrollment represents an individual's active involvement in a particular program, including details like the start and end dates, the program they're enrolled in, and any relevant notes or details about their participation.
Tracking program enrollments in Apricot can provide several key benefits for your organization:
Improved data and reporting: By having a centralized place to record program enrollments, you can easily generate reports and analytics on program participation, completion rates, and other key metrics.
Better client/participant management: Program enrollments allow you to stay organized and up-to-date on each individual's involvement in your programs, making it easier to provide personalized support and track their progress.
Demonstrated impact: Detailed enrollment records can help you better demonstrate the reach and impact of your programs to funders, stakeholders, and the community.
Continue reading below to learn more about program enrollments.
You do not need to have migrated to Role-Based Permissions to use Enrollments.
Enrollments cannot be disabled. We encourage organizations to test this feature and submit feedback in the Ideas Portal as we release updates to make it as helpful and robust as possible!
Program Enrollments vs. Program Assignments
It's important to understand the difference between program enrollments and program assignments in Apricot.
Program assignments are used to grant users access to specific records within your database. Administrators create programs within a Site, assign users to the appropriate programs through their Roles or permission sets, then assign each new record to certain programs so the right group of users can access them. To learn more about program assignments, select an article below depending on which permissions model your organization uses:
Program enrollments, on the other hand, represent an individual's actual participation in a function or service your organization provides. You may or may not have a program set up in Apricot for each of these; if you do, you most likely have staff members who work in separate programs and should only have access to records of clients enrolled in their program.
Enrollment Fields
A program enrollment in Apricot includes the following key data fields:
Program (required): The specific program the individual is enrolled in.
Assigned Staff (optional): The user(s) the program enrollment is assigned to. Site Administrators can assign an Enrollment to any user, while Standard Users are only able to assign Enrollments to themselves.
Start Date (required): The date the enrollment began.
Enrollment Notes (optional): Any relevant details or milestones related to the enrollment.
End Date: The date the enrollment is scheduled to end or did end. Once this is set, the enrollment is considered inactive. This field is required when exiting participants from a program.
Exit Reason: The reason an enrollment has ended. If none of the set options apply, selecting "Other" allows you to type a reason in the Exit Notes text box. This field is required when exiting participants from a program.
Exit Notes (optional): Any notes that are important for the participant's exit from the program.
Active and Inactive Enrollments
In Apricot, program enrollments can have two statuses: Active or Inactive. Active enrollments have no Exit Date, meaning the individual is currently participating in the program. Individuals can have multiple active Enrollments for different programs, but not for the same program.
Inactive enrollments do have an Exit Date, meaning the individual has been exited from the program. Marking an enrollment as inactive allows you to retain the historical record of the individual having participated in the program while focusing on managing active participants.
Viewing Enrollments
To view a participant's active and inactive Enrollments, you can navigate to the Tier 1 record's Document Folder and click the Enrollments tab. Click here to learn how to access the Document Folder.