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How do I add an image to a bulletin?
Updated over a month ago

Use Images in a Bulletin

Many times, you may want to use an image in a Bulletin that is currently not hosted online. You can use the Shared Files to get around this limitation by uploading the image as a Shared File in your site. Additionally, you can use this method if you are afraid the URL to an image that you are using elsewhere might change (or the hosting service may change the image). This method applies to HTML Fields as well.

  1. First, make sure the image you want to use is saved onto your computer. In our scenario we will use the Desktop.

  2. Optional: you may already have a Shared File Category that you want to use, if you do you may skip this step.

  1. Head to the Administrator tab.

  2. Click on Shared Files.

  3. Click on Create New Category.

  4. Give the Category a name.

  5. Click on Create.

  1. Next, we will choose Upload.

  2. Select a Category.

  3. Click on 'Choose File' and locate the image.

  4. Choose Upload.

Next, we will need to copy the Image URL.

  1. Click on My Apricot.

  2. Choose My Shared Files.

  3. Expand the Category which the image was placed in.

  4. Hover over Actions.

  5. Right Click on Download.

  6. Select "Copy link address" Note: Depending on your operating system and/or browser the wording may be slightly different.

Next, we will head to the Bulletin that you are creating/editing and add the image.

  1. Click on the picture icon.

  2. Paste in the URL that was copied into the "URL" box. It should start out with "". If it does not, it did not copy properly.

  3. You may adjust the Width and Height to re-size the image.

  4. Click the refresh Icon to see a refreshed preview of the new size. Note: The text below it will not show up on the form.

  5. Click OK.

As always, remember to save the Bulletin when done.

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