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How do I create an HTML bulletin?

Apricot bulletins allow Administrators to create a message that can be shared on the My Apricot tab landing page.

Updated over a month ago

Bulletins can include text, pictures, streaming videos, links to create new records and reports.

Note: The Apricot Customer Care team periodically creates "global bulletins" that appear on the landing page for the Administrator tab. These bulletins alert all Apricot Administrators to Apricot news and updates. These will not interfere with bulletins you create for your users.

Creating a New Bulletin

  1. To create a new bulletin, select the Administrator tab at the top of the page.

  2. In the left hand menu, select Bulletins under the Workflow Station category.

  3. On the right hand side, select "Create new Category." Much like reports, bulletins can be organized in categories.

  4. Name your category.

  5. Select "Create."

  1. Select "Create New Bulletin."

  2. Expand the black arrow to select a category.

  3. Name your new bulletin.

  4. Select "Create."

Note: Users must be granted access to the bulletin via their Permission Set.


+HTML Bulletins

Now you can create a new bulletin.

1. Type: Choose HTML. An HTML Bulletin should be used for text, pictures or video.

In order to add navigation buttons to specific pages within Apricot, click the Source button and paste the following:

<p><a href="[PAGE URL]"><button class="w3-btn w3-grey w3-round">[BUTTON TITLE]</button></a>

Once the HTML code is in place, replace "[PAGE URL]" (including brackets) with the full URL of the page you want the button to navigate to (from the address bar at the top of your browser window) and "[BUTTON TITLE]" with the label for the Button.

You can repeat this on a new line for as many buttons as you'd like, then save the bulletin.

Once the bulletin is saved, the button will appear like this:

Note: There can be issues when pointing a button to a URL outside of Apricot, so only use URLs from within your Apricot site.

2. Dates: Enter the dates you would like your bulletin to appear to your users.


  • If no end date is selected Apricot will automatically set the end date a year out. i.e. 03/15/2019-03/15/2020.

  • Bulletins expire at midnight.

3. Only bulletins that have "Active" selected will appear to your users. "Start Collapsed" means that the bulletin will not automatically expand to show the message when the page loads and users will have to expand it to view it. If your bulletin needs to be seen by everyone, do not select "Start Collapsed."

4. Bulletin header colors default to your Apricot theme settings, however unchecking this will allow you to pick a header color.

5. This is where you can select a custom header color if you don't want the default.

6. Styles, Font, and Size of your text can be adjusted.

7. When you are finished, don't forget to click "Save Bulletin".


What an HTML Bulletin looks like

  1. To view your bulletin, click the My Apricot tab.

  2. You should be able to see all active bulletins. As an Administrator you will see all bulletins.

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