21 articles
Understanding Apricot Import Tool
How do I prepare my data for the Import tool?
How do I create multiple Tier 1 records with the Import tool?
How do I create multiple Tier 2 records with the Import tool?
How do I update multiple Tier 1 records with the Import tool?The import tool can be used to transfer data from Excel files or from a historic database into Apricot.
How do I update multiple Tier 2 records with the Import tool?
How do I import links between records?
How do I import Program Enrollment data with the Import tool?
How do I undo an import with the Import tool?After you have completed an import, you can "revert," or undo, it and remove the records or links you have imported.
Universal Address Lookup Field Mapping for ImportsThis article addresses the inconsistencies with the Universal Address Lookup subfield names and the field names displayed by the Import Tool
Understanding Data Management
How do I merge document folders for duplicate Tier 1 records?This tool allows duplicate Tier 1 records to have their document folders merged, combining them into one document folder
How do I upload documents for my users to access in Apricot?
How do I view a record's audit history?
How do I restore archived records?This article outlines how to locate and restore records that have been archived in your database.
How do I export a form's data without building a report?The Data Archives allow an Administrator to export data out of Apricot (one form at a time) without building a report.
How do I use an Apricot Sandbox database?A Sandbox is a secondary database in which Administrators can conduct testing or training without making changes in their live site.
What backup, import, and export options are available for my Apricot data?This article reviews available features or services for backing up, importing and/or exporting data in Apricot.
FAQs: Apricot API IntegrationThis living document provides answers for common questions regarding Apricot's API integrations.
FAQs: SFTP for Automated Import
FAQs: SQL Database ExportsThis living document provides answers for common questions regarding recurring and one-time Apricot database exports.