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Release Notes | 12/20/2021 | Apricot 7.91.1

This release includes six defect fixes and one enhancement.

Updated over 11 months ago


Bulletins | Dates Not Referencing Time Zone Setting

Previously in Apricot, scheduled bulletins did not properly reference the time zone selected in Apricot settings. Now, bulletins correctly reflect the appropriate time zone allowing scheduled bulletins to show as anticipated.

Forms | Legacy Form Permissions Time Out

Previously with legacy permission sets, attempting to access form permissions would time out for sites with hundreds of permission sets. Now, legacy form permissions load successfully allowing administrators to assign the appropriate permissions to forms.

Rules & Alerts | Long Delays on Rule Load

Previously some organizations experienced long load times and no options when attempting to add an action to rules. We are now seeing markedly improvement page performance.

Connect | Email Trigger Assigned Program Filter Issue

Previously assigned programs, or any system field, used in email triggers performed differently if the record was created in Apricot vs. Connect. Now, email triggers send as expected.

Schedule | Can’t Select Participant from Secondary T1

Schedule works with two selected and configured Tier 1 types. For a time, users were not able to select attendees from the secondary T1. Now, any participants from both T1s can be selected.

Intake | Inactive Fields Appear via Form Logic

Previously, required inactive fields would appear via form logic and couldn’t be filled in. This did not prevent record save but caused confusion for end users. Now, inactive fields do not appear as expected.


Attendance | International Date Format Support

Previously in Attendance Tracker, date inputs and displays used US date formats (MM/DD/YYYY). Now in ANZ and Canadian environments, dates display DD/MM/YYYY.

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