Looking to create a new program in your Apricot site? Check out this video that walks you through how to set up a new program if your organization uses Legacy Permissions.
Programs allow organizations to limit what data users can see when they login to Apricot. Each program may have different forms, records, reports and more that only a subset of users should have access to (for example, consider the data visibility necessary for Counseling or Caseworker programs as opposed to Intern or Volunteer programs). This can help organize your data and optimize your users’ workflow.
Follow the steps listed below to learn how to add a new program to your site.
Step 1: Navigate to the New Program page
In the Administrator view, expand the Access Control category of the navigation bar and select ‘Sites & Programs’.
Here you will find a list of existing sites and programs in your Apricot database. If your organization does not have multi-Site functionality, your Default site will appear here. Click the green ‘New +’ button at the top-right corner of the page.
Apricot will present you with two options; select the right icon to create a new program.
Step 2: Fill out the details
In the Program Details section, name your program and provide an optional description that will differentiate it from your other programs. If you have multi-Site functionality, a ‘Select Site’ button will display that allows you to choose which site this new program should be under. Otherwise, your program will be saved under your Default site.
The Program Location section contains an optional address look-up field for your program’s physical location. As you enter an address, the right pane will provide a Google Maps view of the address.
You can also assign a Program Contact in the last section of this page if applicable, which just serves as a point of contact for this program’s operations.
Step 3: Configure its referral settings
If your organization uses Referrals, you will find a Program Referrals section at the bottom of the page. Check the boxes to manage whether this program should be able to receive inbound referrals from other programs and/or send outbound referrals to other programs. The text field allows you to enter an email address that will receive notifications of new incoming referrals if applicable; this contact can be the same or different from the assigned Program Contact.
Step 4: Save the program
Click the ‘Save Program’ button in the bottom-right corner to save your changes and successfully add a new program to your Apricot site.
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