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Apricot Update | Site Administrators

This document covers an upcoming feature for Apricot, Site Administrators, released on February 24th 2021.

Updated over a week ago


Introducing Site Administrators! With this functionality, organizations will be able to grant certain “administrator-level” access to users, in order to streamline site management efforts. By distributing access among users, administrators are better equipped to manage the responsibilities and tasks that are required of multi-site organizations. Site Administrators is available to organizations who are on Role Based Permissions.

Once given Site Administrator access, users will have the following default capabilities in their assigned Sites:

  • View All Configured Forms

  • Create and Edit Users

  • Create and Edit Programs

  • Grant Permissions to Users

  • Import Records

  • Access Audit Trails

  • Create Standard Reports

They will also have the ability to have two optional capabilities per assigned Site: Create/Edit Forms and Unarchive Records.

Adding Site Admin Access to an Existing User

You can create a new user as a Site Admin, but you can now also add Site Admin access to existing users from the User Details page.

  • From the Users page, simply click on the appropriate Standard user.

  • There is a new card called “User Settings” in the upper righthand corner of the User Details page. In this card, it tells you the user type, the associated sites for the user, as well as their assigned roles, sites, and programs. In addition, there is a new toggle called “Site Administrator Allowed”. By turning this on, you are allowing the user to be a Site Administrator.

  • After turning this on for the user, you will choose what Sites this user will be a Site Administrator for.

  • You can also choose whether you want the user to be able to have additional capabilities, like creating/editing forms or unarchiving records, and in which sites you want the user to be able to have these capabilities.

  • From this page, you can add or edit any existing assigned roles, sites, and programs for the user as well.

  • NOTE: For Administrator user types, they will automatically be assigned to all Sites by default.

Sites & Programs Page

Sites & Programs is now available the Account Management App! Moving Sites & Programs to the Account Management App with Users and Roles helps provide a more intuitive user management experience. From the new Sites & Programs page, you can search for sites, as well as view sites and programs under each site.

Creating New Sites or Programs

  • From the Account Management App, simply click the Sites & Programs link. From here, you can click “Create New Site” or “Create New Program in order to create new sites and programs.

  • When creating a new site, you can provide Site Name, Description, Location, and Contact. Note: Once a Site is created, it cannot be deleted.

  • Similarly, when creating a new program, you can select Program Name, Description, Location, and Contact, as well as what Site the program will be under and whether the program can accept Referrals. Note: Once a Program is created, it can only be made inactive.

Site Details Page

From the Sites & Programs page, you can click the eye icon next to each Site, which will bring you to the Site Details page.

  • From this page, you can view Site Details, like Name, Status, Description, Location, and Contact.

  • You can also view Site Admin assigned to this Site, as well as assign new Site Admin to it. Simply click “Add Site Admin +” in order to assign a Site Admin and configure their new optional capabilities (Create/Edit Forms and Unarchive Records).

  • You can also view all Programs under this Site and click to view the Program Details of each program, as well as add a new Program from this page.

Program Details Page

From the Sites & Programs page, you can also click the eye icon next to each Program, which will bring you to the Program Details page.

  • From this page, you can view Program Details, like Name, Status, Description, Location, and Contact, as well as whether it can accept Referrals.

  • You can also view what Roles & Users have been assigned to the program, as well as add users to the Program in a certain Role.

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