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Apricot Release 10.6.20 | Caseloads

This document outlines the initial release for the Caseloads functionality in Apricot Essentials on October 6, 2020.

Updated over a week ago


This document outlines the initial release for the Caseloads functionality in Apricot Essentials.

Enhancements or Changes

Notable changes for Record Owner in the following product areas:

  • Record owner in imports: Multiple record owners can now be assigned upon import through a multi-select drop down

  • Record owner – Search Page: Record owner has been removed

New Features

Setting up Caseloads for a Role: Role Details Page

There is a new form level permission for Roles called Caseloads. This permission is tied to the URLA permission type in legacy Apricot permissions. The Caseloads Toggle enables record level access for the forms that it’s configured for. Caseloads apply an extra level of security, requiring that Participants are assigned to Caseloads before Users can access their information. Because this is a security feature, it does not apply to Administrators, who will always have access to every Participant.

Setting up forms with the Caseload Manager

In order to use the Caseload Manager, an administrator will need to configure the forms they would like to manage records for. Multiple forms are able to be configured.

In order to set up forms, do the following:

  1. Select “Configure Caseloads” button from Forms Page

  2. Select the Tier 1 form you would like to configure

  3. Select a QuickView field from the selected Tier 1 to help distinguish between records

  4. Select the programs that you would like to manage records for

Forms Page

From the forms page, a user can select which form they’d like to manage record assignment for.

Caseload Manager

Once a form is selected, the user can manage record access for their staff members by using the Caseload Manager.

Search: The user can filter their staff member results through the search bar

Programs drop down: The user can filter their staff member results by program through the programs drop down. More than one program can be selected and viewed at one time.

Record Assignment: The user can assign new records to a staff member by selecting the plus icon.

Note: Guest Users will not have access to Caseloads, they will need their own Role

In the Assign modal, the user can filter records by record name or quickview input by using the search bar. The user can also filter records by program assignment.

The user can select all records or individual records to assign to the selected staff member.

Record Edit/Transfer: The user can edit record assignment by selecting the pencil icon.

In the Edit modal, the user can filter records by record name or quickview input by using the search bar. The user can also filter records by program assignment.

The user can remove records from the selected staff members caseload by selecting the trash icon and saving.

The user can transfer records to another staff member by selecting the Transfer tab.

After selecting the transfer tab, the user can choose which staff member they would like to transfer records to. Upon selection, all records that are eligible for transfer based on the chosen staff members permissions and the record's program assignment will populate.

The user can filter down the eligible records by searching for record name or quickview input using the search bar. The user can also filter down eligible records by program using the program drop down selection.

Upon confirmation of transfer, the user will have the opportunity to keep navigating through the modal.

My Caseload

The My Caseload page is located in the My Apricot tab accessible through the left-hand menu.

On this page, the user can view all records that are assigned to them as well as navigate to the document folder for any Tier 1 that falls under their ownership. They can filter records by record name and quickview input by using the search bar. They can also switch forms using the forms drop down selection.

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