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Hide Report Name

Names of reports can be suppressed or hidden from display when they are printed.

Updated over a week ago

Report names appear at the top of the page when a report is opened in "Print Mode". Below is an example of what that looks like.

If you would like to print, or save the report as a PDF file (in select browsers), without the name of the report showing, then you can suppress or hide the name in "Print Mode". When a report name has been suppressed or hidden in "Print Mode", the name no longer appears when you go to print or save the page as a PDF file (in select browsers).

How to suppress the report name in "Print Mode"

From the My Apricot tab, select My Reports and find the report you wish to print.

  1. Once you have the report open, select "Print Mode" in the Report Actions palette.

  1. Once in Print Mode, uncheck the "Show Report Name" box in the Report Print Options palette.

  2. The report name will no longer appear.

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