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Understanding Report Filters (Native Reporting)
Updated over 4 months ago

Report filters take a column of report data and narrow down the results that appear when the report is run. Your database still contains all of the data, and the report still pulls in all of the data, but filters allow you to be more selective in what the report shows at that given moment.

Once the relevant columns are brought into a report section, users select a field to filter the report by and determine what criteria the data should meet in order to be displayed in the report. The available filter conditions differ depending on what data type the selected field is (ex. Number, Date, Text). Administrators also determine within the Report Builder whether standard users running the report may edit the filter as they run the report to show a different subset of data.

While editing a report in the Report Builder, click the + icon next to Filters at the top of a report section to add a filter. Any column currently pulled into the report section will be available to filter by. If you're a standard user, run the report as usual. If an Administrator has unlocked a filter, a pencil icon will be displayed next to it for you to edit after running the report.

Any filters placed on a report will be visible under Filters at the top of the report section. If the report utilizes grouped columns, a Grouped Filters section will be added right under it. Administrators also have the ability to configure whether filters are hidden from a report when it is run.

Review the articles below to learn about available filter types, how to add and manage multiple filters and filter logic, and how to filter on different values within a report.

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