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What is report filter logic? (Native Reporting)
Updated over 4 months ago

When more than one filter is added to a report section, filter logic allows a user to customize how the filters interact with each other and determine which subset of data to display in a report.

Continue reading below to learn more about how to translate and modify filter logic.

View Filter Logic

You'll find the Filter Logic field below your filters at the top of your report section. This is a clickable, editable field that reflects what conditions must be met in order for a record to show in the report.

By default, the Filter Logic is set up to run each filter on all data pulled into the report; in other words, it will only show results that meet every filter condition added to the section.

For example, we've added three filters to our report section. The default filter logic is "1 and 2 and 3," meaning the participant must be enrolled in the Counseling program and have received a Phone Consultation service after 2022 in order to show up in the report.

"And" vs. "Or"

You can replace "And" with "Or" in the filter logic to show results that only meet one or some of the filters as opposed to every filter condition.

In our report, "1 or 2 or 3" filter logic returns any participant in the Counseling program, any participant in any program that received a service after 2022, or any participant that has ever received a Phone Consultation service.

Using Parentheses

You can also use a combination of "And" and "Or" in the filter logic by adding parentheses around pairs of filters to better define how they should work together.

Let's look at another set of filters. This report on client demographics is being filtered in three ways:

  1. Race Does Not Match Any Of 'White or Caucasian'

  2. Age is Greater Than '30'

  3. Monthly Income (at Intake) is Less Than '2500'

(1 or 2) and 3

This filter logic first pulls in any participant whose race is not marked as 'White or Caucasian' or is older than 30, then only displays them in the report of their Monthly Income (at Intake) is also less than $2500.

1 or (2 and 3)

By simply moving the parentheses around a different pair of filters, the report pulls in a wider range of data. This filter logic asks to show all participants whose race is not marked as 'White or Caucasian' as well as any participants who are both older than 30 and made less than $2500 monthly during intake.

The above concepts apply no matter how many additional filters you use in a report section. Be sure to consider what intersection of data you want your report to pull and translate it into the filter logic using 'And', 'Or', and parentheses.

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