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Apricot 7.6 | Record Name Field | 2019.09.24

This article covers the 7.6 update to Apricot, released on 9/24/2019

Updated over a week ago

Record Name

Apricot 7.6 Introduces a new capability in Apricot to configure which field you'd like to use as the identifier for records of any form. 

In the past, the identifier for each record would automatically be set to the first name field found on the form, or if there was no name field present, the first text field found on the form. 

Now, you have the ability to choose what the identifying field will be for every form in Apricot.

  • Record name field is now a requirement in form designer.

  • The Record Name will determine what is displayed in the upper left hand corner of each document folder for each record of the form:

  • The Record Name will also determine what is displayed when linking to records of this form, and what is displayed as the Identifier Field when pulling in the form's record ID column into a report and selecting the data style "With Identifier Field(s)"

  • Finally, the Record Name controls what is displayed in the Print Modal for tier 2 Records:

Fields must be required to be set as the Record Name, and must be one of these field types:

  • Text

  • Numeric

  • Name

  • Website

  • State

  • Zip

  • Email

  • Postal Code

  • Decimal

  • Currency

  • Employee Identification Number

  • Social Security Number

  • Date

  • Social Insurance Number

  • Phone

  • Province

  • Postcode

  • Dropdown

  • Radio Button

  • Attach Doc

  • Time

  • County

  • System Date

  • System User

  • Record ID

  • National Insurance Number

  • Calculation Add

  • Calculation Subtract

  • Calculation

  • Dynamic Dropdown

  • Dynamic Checkboxes

  • Calculation Date After

  • Calculation Date Before

  • Calculation Date Difference

  • Image

  • Signature

  • Auto Populate (As long as the Auto Populated field is on this list)

  • Calculation Round

  • Image

  • Masked Dropdown

  • Masked Radio Button

  • Masked Checkbox

  • Masked Multi-Select Dropdown

  • Dynamic Number

  • Dynamic Text

  • Dropdown Date

  • Calculation Time Difference

Permission Sets Grid 

  • Permissions sets now display in alphabetic order


  • Fixed a bug where saving the personal info page threw an error.

Bug Fixes 

  • Fixed bug where registration grid option was not available on the kebab in the new UI

  • Fixed bug where 'No Access' would inaccurately display for users in the new UI

  • Fixed bug where dates were not Canadian formatted in the new UI

QuickView Support

  • Append Only

  • Dynamic Check Boxes

  • Dynamic Number

  • Record Lock

  • Website

  • Dynamic Text

  • Employee Identification

  • National Insurance Number

  • Province

  • Postal Code

  • 🇨🇦 Social Insurance Number

Middle Clicks

  • Open in new tab from rows in table in the new UI

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