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Apricot 7.8 | 2019.10.07

This article covers updates to Apricot released on 10/07/2019

Updated over a week ago


  • Fixed a bug where the remaining seats messaging was inconsistent.

  • Will now remember the sort order on return.

  • Fixed a bug where "Please Wait" would persist after the link has been added.

Address Lookup

  • Fixed a bug where saving a record with "Other" selected for state would error.

  • Fixed a bug where hidden address lookup fields would cause sub fields to vanish.

  • Fixed a bug where global lookup did not place the suggested address in the field.

  • The tab order is now correct.

Form Designer: Form Permissions Modal

  • Fixed a bug where the user could only select 1000 checkboxes.

  • Report cache now clears when program is changed in the top navigation bar.

  • Users can now tab to the user badge.

Lookup Lists

  • Can now be alphabetized.

New Document Folder UI

  • Masked dropdown values now correctly display the front end value in Quick View instead of the back end numeric value in the new UI.

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