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AHS: Data Map

#AHS #HMIS #HUD #Dictionary #Map #Data

Updated over a week ago

Below is a list of data points from the HMIS Data Standards Manual, and what form they are collected in Apricot AHS.

Note: Certain data points are hidden within forms and will only appear if the conditions required are met. For the conditions please refer to the HUD Data Standards Manual Specification table for each data point.

Please contact support if you are unable to find a data point that you should be collecting.


HMIS Forms for Collecting Data from Individuals

  • Bed-Night Date

    • 4.14 Bed-Night Date

  • Coordinated Entry Assessment

    • 4.19 Coordinated Entry - Assessment

  • Coordinated Entry Event

    • 4.20 Coordinated Entry - Event

  • HMIS Assessment

    • 3.08 Disabling Condition

    • 3.12 Destination

    • 3.917 Previous Living Situation

    • 3.20 Housing Move-in Date

    • 4.05 - 4.11: Physical Disability, Developmental Disability, Chronic Health Condition, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, Domestic Violence

    • C1 Well-being

    • C3 Youth Education Status

    • P4 Connection with SOAR

    • R7 General Health Status

    • R10 Pregnancy Status

    • W4 T-cell (CD4) and Viral Load

    • W5 Housing Assessment at Exit

    • W6 Prescribed Anti-Retroviral

  • Income and Benefits Assessment

    • 4.02 - 4.04: Income and Sources, Non-Cash Benefits, Health Insurance

    • R4 Last Grade Completed

    • R6 Employment Status

    • W3 Medical Assistance

  • Individual

    • 3.01 Name

    • 3.02 Social Security Number

    • 3.03 Date of Birth

    • 3.04 Race

    • 3.05 Ethnicity

    • 3.06 Gender

    • 3.07 Veteran Status

    • V1 Veteran's Information

  • Program Enrollment

    • 3.10 Project Start Date

    • 3.11 Project Exit Date

    • 3.15 Relationship to Head of Household

    • 3.16 Client Location

    • 3.20 Move-In Date

    • 4.13 Date of Engagement

    • P3 PATH Status

    • V4 Percent of AMI (SSVF Eligibility)

    • V5 Last Permanent Address

    • V6 VAMC Station Number

    • V9 HUD-VASH Exit Information

  • Ongoing Street Contact for Emergency Shelters, Street Outreach, and Services Projects

    • 4.12 Current Living Situation

  • Services Provided

    • C2 Moving On Assistance

    • P1 Services Provided - PATH Funded

    • P2 Referrals Provided - PATH

    • R14 RHY Service Connections

    • R20 Aftercare Plans

    • V2 Services Provided - SSVF

    • V3 Financial Assistance - SSVF

    • V8 HUD-VASH Voucher Tracking

    • W1 Services Provided - HOPWA

    • W2 Financial Assistance - HOPWA

  • SSVF - Veteran Income Assessment

    • V7 HP Targeting Criteria

  • RHY Form

    • R1 Referral Source

    • R2 RHY - BCP Status

    • R3 Sexual Orientation

    • R5 School Status

    • R8 Dental Health Status

    • R9 Mental Health Status

    • R11 Formerly a Ward of Child Welfare/Foster Care Agency

    • R12Formerly a Ward of Juvenile Justice System

    • R13 Family Critical Issues

    • R15 Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Sex Trafficking

    • R16 Labor Exploitation/Trafficking

    • R17 Project Completion Status

    • R18 Counseling

    • R19 Safe and Appropriate Exit

    • U1 Worst Housing Situation

HMIS Forms for Collection Project and/or Organization Data

  • Project

    • 2.02 Project Information

  • Organization

    • 2.01 Organization Information

  • Grant

    • 2.06 Funding Sources

  • Continuum of Care

    • 2.03 Continuum of Care Information

  • Bed and Unit Inventory

    • 2.07 Bed and Unit Inventory Information

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