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Apricot HMIS 2022 Updates

This release includes the HMIS Data Standards Updates for AHS released on October 1, 2021.

Updated over a year ago


This release includes the HMIS Data Standards Updates for 2022. These changes are automatically implemented in Apricot for Homelessness instances of Apricot as of October 1, 2021.

Please review the changes carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support team, who are standing by. We are more than happy to assist you.

Please reference the HUD HMIS Data Standards page, which includes: 

Summary of Changes

Here is a detailed summary of the changes implemented on October 1. The changes are broken down by form, then by impact of change (major to minor).

Individuals Form –


  • The Gender field is now a non-exclusive choice element, in order to comply with HUD’s definition of client self-identification. This follows similar logic to the already existing Race field.

  • The options provided are:

    • Female

    • Male

    • A gender other than singularly female or male (e.g., non-binary, genderfluid, agender, culturally specific gender)

    • Transgender

    • Questioning

    • Client Doesn’t Know

    • Client Refused

    • Data Not Collected


  • The Ethnicity field has updated to new response language.

  • The options provided are:

    • Non-Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x)

    • Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x)

    • Client Doesn’t Know

    • Client Refused

    • Data Not Collected

HMIS Assessment Form –

C1 Well-Being

  • There will be a new section – Well-Being

  • There will be a new date field – Well-Being Information Date (date information was collected)

  • There will be 4 new fields:

  • “Client perceives their life has value and worth.”

  • The options provided are:

    • Strongly disagree

    • Somewhat disagree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Somewhat agree

    • Strongly agree

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

  • “Client perceives they have support from others who will listen to problems.”

  • The options provided are:

    • Strongly disagree

    • Somewhat disagree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Somewhat agree

    • Strongly agree

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

  • “Client perceives they have a tendency to bounce back after hard times.”

  • The options provided are:

    • Strongly disagree

    • Somewhat disagree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Somewhat agree

    • Strongly agree

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

  • “Client frequency of feeling nervous, tense, worried, frustrated, or afraid.”

  • The options provided are:

    • Not at all

    • Once a month

    • Several times a month

    • Several times a week

    • At least every day

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

C3 Youth Education Status

  • There will be a new section – Youth Education Status

  • There will be a new date field – Information Date (date information was collected)

  • There will be 3 new fields:

  • “Current school enrollment and attendance”

  • The options provided are:

    • Not currently enrolled in any school or educational course

    • Currently enrolled but NOT attending regularly (when school or the course is in session)

    • Currently enrolled and attending regularly (when school or the course is in session)

    • Client doesn't know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected  

  • “Most Recent Educational Status”

  • The options provided are:

    • K12: Graduated from high school

    • K12: Obtained GED

    • K12: Dropped out

    • K12: Suspended

    • K12: Expelled

    • Higher education: Pursuing a credential but not currently attending

    • Higher education: Dropped out

    • Higher education: Obtained a credential/degree

    • Client doesn't know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

  • “Current Educational Status”

  • The options provided are:

    • Pursuing a high school diploma or GED

    • Pursuing Associate’s Degree

    • Pursuing Bachelor’s Degree

    • Pursuing Graduate Degree

    • Pursuing other post-secondary credential

    • Client doesn't know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

W6 Prescribed Anti-Retroviral

  • There will be a new field – “Has the participant been prescribed anti-retroviral drugs?”

  • The options provided are:

    • No

    • Yes

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

Income and Benefits Assessment Form -

W3 Medical Assistance

  • There is a new field - "Receiving Ryan White-funded Medical or Dental Assistance"

  • The options provided are:

    • No

    • Yes

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

  • (“If No for ‘Receiving Ryan White-funded Medical or Dental Assistance’”) Reason

    • Applied; decision pending

    • Applied; client not eligible

    • Client did not apply

    • Insurance type N/A for this client

    • Client doesn’t know

    • Client refused

    • Data not collected

SSVF – Veteran Income Assessment Form –

V7 HP Targeting Criteria

  • This element has been completed revised from the 2020 Data Standards Updates.

  • The following fields are either new or have updated responses:

  • Is Homelessness Prevention targeting screeners required?

    • No

    • Yes

  • Current household income?

    • $0 (i.e., not employed, not receiving cash benefits, no other current income)

    • 1-14% of Area Median Income (AMI) for household size

    • 15-30% of AMI for household size

    • More than 30% of AMI for household size

  • History of Literal Homelessness (Street/Shelter/Transitional Housing)

    • Most recent episode occurred within the last year

    • Most recent episode occurred more than one year ago

    • None

  • Client is a current leaseholder?

    • No

    • Yes

  • Has head of household (HoH) ever been a leaseholder?

    • No

    • Yes

  • Rental Evictions within the past 7 years?

    • No prior rental evictions

    • 1 prior rental evictions

    • 2 or more prior rental evictions

  • Incarcerated as adult (adults in household)

    • Not incarcerated

    • Incarcerated once

    • Incarcerated two or more times

  • Discharged from jail or prison within last six months after incarceration of 90 days or more (adults)?

    • No

    • Yes

  • Registered sex offender (all household members)

    • No

    • Yes

  • Currently pregnant? (any household member)

    • No

    • Yes

  • Single parent household with minor child(ren)?

    • No

    • Yes

  • Household includes one or more young children (age six or under) or a child who requires significant care?

    • No

    • Youngest child is under 1 year old

    • Youngest child is 1 to 6 years old and/or one or more children (any age) require significant care.

  • Current/recent resident in area prioritized by the CoC?

    • No

    • Yes

  • The sum of these fields will total the score for the "SSVF HP TARGETING CRITERIA."

RHY Form –

R13 Family Critical Issues

  • Field 11 is being updated to “Mental Health Disorder,” and dependent language will be updated where applicable.

R14 RHY Service Connections

  • Field 17 and 18 are being updated to “Substance Use Disorder”.

Services Provided Form –

C2 Moving On Assistance Provided

  • There will be a new section – Moving On Assistance

  • There will be a new date field – Date of Moving On Assistance

  • There will be a new field – C2 Moving On Assistance

  • The options provided are:

    • Subsidized housing application assistance

    • Financial assistance for Moving On (e.g., security deposit, moving expenses)

    • Non-financial assistance for Moving On (e.g., housing navigation, transition support)

    • Housing referral/placement

    • Other (please specify)

V3 Financial Assistance – SSVF

  • For V3.3, “General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies” is merging into “General housing stability assistance - Other” and the option for “other” is being removed.

Project Form –

2.02 Project Information

  • There is a new field – 2.02.9 “HOPWA-funded Medically Assisted Living Facility?”

  • The options provided are:

    • No

    • Yes

    • NA - non-HOPWA Funded Project

2.06 Funding Sources

  • The following funding sources have been added:

    • HUD: CoC - Joint Component RRH/PSH

    • HUD: HOME (ARP)

    • HUD: PIH (Emergency Housing Voucher)

Coordinated Entry Event Form –

Referral Events

  • New Referral Events are being added to the field – “Referral Events”

  • The new Referral Event options are:

    • Referral to emergency assistance/flex fund/furniture assistance

    • Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)

    • Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher 

Other Updates –

W4 T-cell (CD4) and Viral Load

  • The conditional rules for the field element - W4 T-cell (CD4) and Viral Load – are being updated.

  • “Data Collected About” is changing from “Only Clients funded in a HOPWA project presenting with HIV/AIDS” to “All Household Members with HIV/AIDS.”

  • This is to be more consistent with other HOPWA elements.

R7 General Health Status

  • The following Program Components and Project Types will now be required for R7 General Health Status:

  • Funder: Program-Component

    • HUD: HUD-VASH - Collection required for HUD/VASH-OTH

    • HHS: RHY - Collection required for all components except for Street Outreach

    • HUD: CoC - Permanent Supportive Housing

  • Project Type Applicability

    • Emergency Shelter

    • Transitional Housing

    • PH - Permanent Supportive Housing

    • Rapid Rehousing

4.02 Income and Sources

  • The conditional rules for this field element have been updated.

  • If 'Income from Sources” = yes, then a conditional message that reads “At least one source and amount must be selected” will appear.

4.03 Non-Cash Benefits

  • The conditional rules for this field element have been updated.

  • If Non-Cash Benefits = yes, then a conditional message that reads “At least one source and amount must be selected” will appear.

4.05-.08 Field Element Updates

  • The following Data Elements will no longer be required for the VA: SSVF Funding Source(s):

    • 4.05 Physical Disability

    • 4.06 Developmental Disability

    • 4.07 Chronic Health Condition

    • 4.09 Mental Health Disorder

    • 4.08 HIV/AIDS


  • HHS RHY Funding Source(s) will no longer be required for the field – 4.08 HIV/AIDS.

  • The HHS RHY Funding Sources are:

    • HHS: RHY - Basic Center Program (prevention and shelter)

    • HHS: RHY - Maternity Group Home for Pregnant and Parenting Youth

    • HHS: RHY - Transitional Living Program

    • HHS: RHY - Street Outreach Project

    • HHS: RHY - Demonstration Project

4.09 Mental Health Disorder

  • “Mental Health Problem” is being updated to “Mental Health Disorder,” and dependent language will be updated where applicable.

4.10 Substance Use Disorder

  • “Substance Abuse Problem” is being updated to “Substance Use Disorder,” and dependent language will be updated where applicable.

R10 Pregnancy Status

  • Data collection is no longer limited to only “female” participants, in order to reflect that more than just people who identify as female can be pregnant.

R12 Formerly a Ward of Juvenile Justice System

  • Dependent language updated to “If Yes for ‘Formerly a Ward of Juvenile Justice System’” Number of Years

  • The options provided are:

    • Less than one year

    • 1 to 2 years

    • 3 to 5 or more years

Other Important Updates

  • We will also be releasing a Coordinated Entry Annual Performance Report (APR) on December 20th, 2021. This report was intended to go out last year, but was put on hold due the COVID-19 pandemic. For more detailed information on this report, please visit HUD’s resources and programming specifications: HMIS Programming Specifications for Coordinated Entry APR (CE APR-CSV)

    • The information to be reported on Coordinated Entry for the APR beginning October 1, 2021, is “system-wide”. The system being reported on is the CoC where the Supportive Services Only: Coordinated Entry (SSO: CE) project was funded. Data reported on will be generated from all projects in the CoC, regardless of their funding source. Projects which collect CE data (i.e. whether they are project typed CE (14) in the HMIS or not are included in this report. This includes all projects funded under the CoC program, ESG program, or any other funding source where elements 4.19 Coordinated Entry Assessment and 4.20 Coordinated Entry Event are collected.

    • The HMIS is required to generate a single CE APR-CSV based on these programming specifications for SSO: CE grants who submit data on or after October 1, 2021. HUD is aware that there are multiple SSO: CE grants in some CoCs. Some of these may be to serve special populations (e.g., youth or domestic violence), others provide funding to expand and existing CE system. Regardless of the purpose of the grant, all recipients will upload the system-wide CE APR-CSV generated for the operating year of the grant being reported on.

    • It is expected that like a regular APR, the recipient themselves or the HMIS system administrator will be able to generate this SSO: CE CSV extract without HMIS vendor intervention for their submission to HUD.

    • For comparable database reports, the “system” is limited to all projects operated by the CoC grant recipient organization whose data is captured in the comparable database system.

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