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How do I save a Results report? (ARR)
Updated over 4 months ago

All Results reports are organized in folders, which can be created and managed from the Apricot Results Reporting (ARR) platform. They are then made available to store new reports in when saving them for the first time.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to access ARR folders and save a report in the appropriate location.

Step 1: View existing folders

On the ARR homepage, click the Folders tile.

There are two kinds of report folders: Personal and Public. Important: Saving a report in a personal folder will only make the report available to you, and no other user will be able to locate or access the report when they open Results.

Within the Personal Folder is one named 'WebIntelligence'. When building a report, ARR autosaves a temporary version of the open report roughly every 10 minutes, and the file is placed in this WebIntelligence subfolder. The temporary files have 'do_not_use' in the file name, and the versions overwrite each other so only the most recent version is available in the folder. However, all files in this folder will be purged after a certain amount of time.

Important: Because of its temporary nature, we advise you to not actively save reports in the WebIntelligence folder so you don't risk your work being permanently lost.

Step 2: Add a new folder

You can create new folders in the Public category for further organization by clicking into the main folder the + icon at the top right of the page and selecting 'New Folder'.

Enter a name for the report category as well as an optional description and keywords to make it easily distinguishable among any other categories. Save your changes to close the pop-up and view the new folder.

Step 3: Save a report

Click on an existing report from a report folder to open it, or learn how to create a basic Results report here.

As mentioned previously, even though ARR autosaves temporary files while working on them, it is highly recommended that you save reports often to avoid losing work. The save button is in the shape of a floppy disk, located in the top-left corner of the tool bar above the formula bar. There are 2 options: Save and Save As.

Choosing 'Save' will either create a new report if it's the first time saving or overwrite the current version of the report. If the option is grayed out, it means there are no changes to save in the current version of the report.

Note: If the report is set to "Refresh on open," a blue dot will appear in the Save icon. This indicates that Results considers the report data to be different from the last time it was opened even if nothing has changed in the structure of the report.

The 'Save As' option creates a copy of the report separate from the original that's currently open. This behaves similarly to creating a first save for a report, so you'll be asked to choose a folder and new name for the copied report.

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