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Apricot Support | Customer Portal
Apricot Support | Customer Portal
Updated this week

Important: As of Monday, August 12, 2024, an updated customer portal is available through Apricot. On your first visit on or after this date, you will need to set a new password.

Note: The customer portal will require an email address and password. You will no longer be able to access the portal using Single Sign-On (SSO).

Accessing the Customer Portal

To access the customer portal while logged in to Apricot, click 'Help Center' on the left navigation menu.

This will redirect you to You can then access the Apricot Help Center by selecting the Apricot tile and view Support cases by clicking Cases at the top of the page.

Note: To view Support Cases, users will be required to have a login.

Apricot Help Center

The Apricot Help Center contains all of our free instructional, step-by-step materials for using and configuring your Apricot database. Type in feature names or keywords in the search bar at the top, or select a tile to scroll through articles of various topics.

Creating a Customer Portal Account

If you're creating a customer portal account for the first time, click "Signup" and fill out the name and email fields.

Logging In to the Customer Portal

If you previously had an account in the legacy customer portal, an account has already been created for you in the updated customer portal. Log in using the email address associated with your Apricot account and your password.

Important: On your first visit to the customer portal on or after August 12, 2024, you will need to set a new password using the "Forgot your password?" link.

Once you've logged in, you'll find yourself on the Cases page of the Customer Portal. Here, you can create a Support case or access previous cases you've submitted to the Apricot Support team.

Creating a Support Case

Important: Creating a case through the Customer Portal is for questions specific to product support. For inquiries related to billing, sales, or account management—please click here.

To create a new case, click 'New' in the top-right corner of the Cases page.

Enter the following required case details in the pop-up window:


A subject line or title relevant to the case issue.


All relevant information regarding your issue: replication steps leading to the error, error descriptions, specific examples of the issue (withholding PII). This helps Support to best prioritize and resolve your case.


  • Critical: The software is stopped or so severely impacted that no user can reasonably continue to use or access the software.

  • High: There is a disruptive loss of use of the software. Important features are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.

  • Medium: There is a moderate to minor loss of use of the software or a feature/operation generated a result that was not expected. The impact is isolated and an inconvenience; however, use and access of the software can continue.

  • Low: The client requests information, an enhancement, or clarification regarding the software, but there is no impact on the use or access of the software.


Select 'Apricot' in the dropdown field.

Select Save to submit your Support case.

A Case Number will be generated for your case record, and the new case will be displayed on the Cases page of the Customer Portal.

Adding a Case Comment

To include additional details after the case is submitted, you can select the case number to open the case and click 'New' in the Case Comments section.

Type your comment in the text field, then click Save. The Support representative will be notified of the case update.

You can view all public comments in the Case Comments section. This is the primary form of contact with the Support representative for any case created through the Customer Portal.

Uploading an Attachment

You can also attach relevant screenshots, videos, or other documents to your case by clicking 'Upload Files' in the Attachments section at the bottom of the case.

Select the file from your desktop you'd like to attach, then click Done once it's finished uploading.

Viewing Support Cases

On the Cases page, you can use the dropdown arrow at the top-left to change your Cases view (ex. My Open Cases, My Closed Cases). You can also click the pin icon next to the selected view's name to set it as your default list when loading this page.

The case fields displayed provide the following information for each case:

Case Number

The unique number for the case record.


The subject line provided at the case's submission or an updated title relevant to the case issue.


  • New: The case has been successfully created.

  • In Progress: The case is actively being investigated by Support.

  • Waiting on Client: Support has requested more information regarding the issue in order to continue working toward a resolution.

  • Waiting on Internal Team: Support is on standby for a response from the appropriate internal team (ex. Account Management, Training, etc.) before resuming investigation or implementing a resolution.

  • Solved: The case has closed and Support is no longer investigating the case.


  • Critical/Business Down: The software is stopped or so severely impacted that no user can reasonably continue to use or access the software.

  • High: There is a disruptive loss of use of the software. Important features are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.

  • Medium: There is a moderate to minor loss of use of the software or a feature/operation generated a result that was not expected. The impact is isolated and an inconvenience; however, use and access of the software can continue.

  • Low: The client requests information, an enhancement, or clarification regarding the software, but there is no impact on the use or access of the software.

Date/Time Opened

The date and time the case was submitted to Support.

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