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Network Referrals | Opt-In | Release Notes
Updated over a week ago

Opt-in functionality is available to all Apricot tiers in target cities as of Sept. 29, 2021.

  • San Antonio, TX

  • Minneapolis, MN

  • Baltimore, MD

  • Washington DC

  • Fresno, CA

Please note organizations must be on Role-based Permissions to opt into the referral network.

What are Network Referrals?

Bonterra has been hard at work building a closed loop referral system that is accessible within Apricot.

We know that even large organizations may not have all the services an individual or family needs. Use Bonterra’s referral network to search for community partners, securely refer participants and collaborate to get participants the help they need to make progress in their lives.

Opt-in is the first release in our phased approach to network referrals. We want organizations to be set up and ready to start referring when the second phase, Outbound, is released November 16, 2021.

In this first release, organizations can set up their profile and determine program network visibility as well as listing and services information.

To learn more about network referrals, reach out to your Client Success Manager.

This release includes:

  1. Create Organization Profile

  2. Set Program Listing Information

  3. Configuring General Participant Information

Create Organization Profile

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Administrators will see a banner requesting their organization join the Referral Network.

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Click Get Started to access the Organization Profile. Users can also access by navigating to Access Controls > Organization Profile.

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The Organization Profile is new to Apricot. Sites and Programs already have detail pages, now Organization does as well. Organization is the highest level in Apricot’s hierarchy.

Organization Details within the Organization Profile store important pieces of information used in the Referral Network.

Inputs here will be used in the referral directory, including Name and Mission Statement. The referral directory is where Apricot users search for programs and services for their participants, released 11/16/21.

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The most important part of the Organization Profile is the opt-in.

This is where organizations agree to be a part of the network. The checkbox also controls if all configured program listings appear in the network.

If an organization temporarily wants to remove listings, administrators can do so by unchecking the box.

Note: The banner on the administrator home page will disappear when an organization has checked the opt-in box.

Set Program Listing Information

While the organization needs to be opted in via Organization Profile, most of the configuration work needed to populate listings within the Service Directory happen on the Program Details page.

Services offered, contact information and location are all selected in the External Program Referrals section of Program Details.

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Note: Participants are referred to programs not organizations. An organization could have one or many programs within the referral network.

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To set up program listings, open each program that you would like to be involved in the referral network.

This could mean programs that only receive referrals, programs that only send, or both.

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You will notice a new section within Program Details called External Program Referrals. This is where administrators set everything related to a program’s listing within the directory.

Note that some fields may appear duplicative (name, location etc.) This is intentional as internal, Apricot program names may not be the clearest for external audiences.

Let’s break down External Program Referrals into its parts.

Like on the Organization Profile, programs must also opt into the network. This is helpful when you add a program as you grow or need to remove a program if a grant expires.

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In addition to opting in, administrators can pick an external-friendly name by filling out Program Alias. In this case, “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry” is a bit long for our taste, so we went ahead and shortened to “Hogwarts”.

Network Visibility is where users select if that program listing is live in the directory and can receive network referrals.

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It may be the case that you receive referrals only from certain source(s) or place(s) for some of your programs, but you still need to refer those participants out for services.

If that is the case, select “Do not show in Referral Network Directory”. That way you can still track outbound referrals for those program participants.

Next is selecting which services are offered by the Program.

This is very important because searching on services provided will be one of the main ways community partners find your programs.

We have provided a comprehensive list of services to chose from. Make your selections by checking box. You can narrow down services by typing search criteria into the search bar.

After selecting services is choosing the program’s location.

Location is also very important as many searching the network will be searching within a certain geographic area.

Type in the address as prompted or click Use Program Location to use the Program’s existing address.

Make sure to click Update.

The final step is adding the contact information for the program. The contact information will be included in the listing. As a best practice, make sure to keep contact information updated.

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Click save and your program is now ready for the network.

Configuring General Participant Information

To ensure that referrals contain information that can be understood by many different Apricot organizations, we are using a General Participant Configuration. This also makes it very easy to create a new record from an incoming referral!

To unlock the standard movement of participant data between Apricot organizations, administrators will need to select which Tier 1 fields should be used in referrals.

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Make sure to select the required fields, but the more configuration, the better. This will help when you are processing incoming referrals and will help case managers at other organizations.

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