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How do I add an input control to a Results report? (ARR)
How do I add an input control to a Results report? (ARR)
Updated over 3 months ago

Input controls provide a convenient, easily accessible way to filter and analyze report data. They are managed in the same toolbar and operate similarly to drill filters, but they offer more customization and control of how the report data is filtered.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to set up input controls and how they are used to filter within a report.

Step 1: Add a new control

Click on the filter icon under the Analyze panel at the top of the report. A blue funnel icon will then show at the top-left of the report.

Click the funnel, and select '+ New Input Control' in the dropdown to open the New Control window.

Step 2: Select an object

In the Object dropdown field, choose the object you want to filter on. You can rename the input control and enter an optional description as well.

Step 3: Configure the input control

The Type field determines how you input the value into the control:

  • Multi-List: You can select several values from the list of possible values using checkboxes.

  • List: You can select one value from the list of possible values with a check mark.

  • Entry field: You can directly type the value name into a text box.

    • Note: This is recommended for objects with simple values where there is the least potential for typing errors.

The Operator field provides options for how the data should relate to the chosen object and selected value(s) in order to display in the report. For example, you can set the input control to only show data that is equal, not equal, greater than or less than the value.

There are additional configuration options available for the input control:

  • User restricted list of values: Users are only able to choose values from a pre-selected list.

  • Sort list of values: Available values are sorted by ascending or descending order.

  • Default value(s): The selected value will always be applied to the report when opened.

Once the properties are filled out, click OK to close the window. Then, click the object name from the filter toolbar to select the value based on your settings.

Click OK to apply your input control, and the report will refresh to only show data in accordance with the filter.

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