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How do I add a drill filter to a Results report? (ARR)
How do I add a drill filter to a Results report? (ARR)
Updated over 3 months ago

Drill filters allow you to hone in on data associated with a single selected value of an available object in the report. This will restrict what other corresponding data is displayed in the report based on the chosen object.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to set up drill filters in a Results report.

Step 1: Enable drills

In the 'Analyze' section at the top of the ARR page, click the funnel icon to expand the filters toolbar. This is where you can manage filters and input controls.

Then, click the horizontal three-dot icon to check the 'Drill' box in the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Add the filter

You can now select what to filter the report on. Click the arrow in the drill toolbar. If there are objects from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 forms present in a report query, you'll see all applicable form names and IDs here.

Select the form that contains the field you want to filter by, then click the desired object.

Next, click on the name of the object in the drill toolbar to view a list of all available options to select.

Important: You may only choose one value here. If you're filtering on a date object, you can only filter on a single date; if the object is a participant's name, you may only choose a single participant.

Make your selection, then click the blue OK button to apply your drill filter. The report will refresh to only display data in accordance with the filter.

You may repeat this step to add another drill filter on a different object, though it can only narrow down the data currently present in the report after the first drill filter.

Step 3 (optional): Display the drill filter

A pre-defined cell can be used to insert a lone individual cell into your report tab that shows what value(s) the drill filters are applying to the report.

Click the 'abc' box icon under Insert at the top of the ARR page, then select the Drill Filter option.

Move your cursor to the body of the report, then click the location you want to place the pre-defined cell in.

Now, users who view the report with drill filters applied may see within the report itself what value the data is filtered by.

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