What is the difference between flattened and unflattened data in Apricot Results Reporting?
Flattened Data
Flattened data is information stored in Individual records.
Flattened data should be used when reporting on specific answers to questions.
Flattened Demographics can be found in the expanded "Flattened Demographics" folder. You must be working in the universe that is named after your enterprise to access the flattened demographics folder.
Unflattened Data
Unflattened data is all data in an enterprise stored in "Question/Answer" pair format.
Unflattened data should be used when aggregating (totaling) data.
Unflattened demographic data is available in real time.
Unflattened tier 2 record responses are not available in real time. They are populated by a queue system that feeds updated tier 2 record responses through every few minutes.
For more information on how to flatten data click here.