The Auto Populate field is a type of linking field in Apricot that allows you to automatically pull data from one record and display it on another related record. This is recommended when you need to:
Create a calculation on one form using data from another form
Physically display data from one form on another related form.
However, it's important to use Auto Populate sparingly, as it can lead to data redundancy in your database. We recommend reaching out to the Support team if you have questions regarding whether this field is recommended for your use case.
Follow the steps below to learn how to set up an Auto Populate field in a form and store data entered in one record into another linked record.
Auto Populate fields do not currently filter correctly when used as a searchable field in a report. We recommend adding the field as a report column in order to filter its data.
You cannot use Auto Populate on a Wizard-linked form as it contains a target link.
Secure fields cannot be used as the source for an Auto Populate field.
It is not recommended to auto-populate data from a Tier 1 record into its associated Tier 2 records. Tier 1 records are directly related to the Tier 2 records housed under it, so the linking field required to use Auto Populate would create an unnecessary relationship between the two forms in reporting. You can instead use Quick View fields to see data from a Tier 1 record on the Tier 2 record without storing it directly on the record. This will always reflects the latest data from the linked record.
Step 1: Determine your base and target form
Before proceeding we need to discuss linking. Linking creates a relationship between two otherwise unrelated forms. In our screenshot above we see two Tier 2 forms (Dog and Foster).
In this scenario we know we will want to populate data from the Dog form onto the Foster form
This tells us we need to create the linking field on the Foster form.
This means that the Foster Profile form is the "Base" form and the "Base" link will be created here
"Target Form" means this is the form data will be pulled from
Note: While it may be possible in some scenarios to populate data onto a form that does not have the base link we cannot advise this setup and cannot guarantee it will always work.
Step 2: Add a Link field to the base form
Please note that Auto Populate fields require a linking field to work and is an "action based" field. For example, an Auto Populate field will not work until you use the linking field to establish the link (you need to tell it which specific record to pull the data from).
Just loading a record will not cause the Auto Populate field to populate with data.
To add a link field to the base form (the form you want to populate data onto), open the form for editing and expand the "Linking" option under the Field Choices palette.
Drag a Linking field onto the form
Click the gear for the linking form. We suggest giving it a specific display name!
There will be a dropdown to choose what (target) form you want to link to
The first dropdown there will be a "1" in it, we want this to stay 1
The dropdown next to it will also have a "1" in it, but we want to change it to "Many" (This means that 1 Food Record can be linked to Many Order records) Note: 1 to Many is the only option that will work with Auto Populate fields. As you can see above, the linking field will be locked for Auto Populate once published.
Click Apply and Publish the form when you're done
Note: If you are linking two Tier 2 records that live under the same Tier 1 we advise to check the Same Folder Linking option in the Special Properties. This means that users will only be able to link within the same Tier 1, for example: a user won't be able to mistakenly auto populate information from Client B into Client A.
Note: When you create the link on the Base form it creates a link on the Target form as well. We advise to Edit the Target form and make the target link Hidden (you can hide the entire section).
Step 3: Add an Auto Populate field to the base form
To add an auto populate field to the base form, open the form for editing. In the field choices palette, expand the black arrow next to "Linking" and drag the auto populate field into your form:
Click the gear for the newly added auto populate field
Name the field
Choose the linking field that we previously created.
Then, choose the field that you want to pull data from
Auto Update. This is optional and may not always need to be checked. For example, if you always want the auto populate field to show the newest information from the target record you should check this. If you want it to always stay what it originally was, leave it unchecked.
When archiving linked records, Auto Populate fields will retain their values if Auto Update is disabled.
Click Apply.
Field Properties Available in an Auto Populate Field
Standard Properties:
Auto populate fields can be made Required, Duplicate Check, Locked (read only), Quick View, Searchable, Hidden, and Clear on Copy.
Note: After selecting the Linking Field and Field, Duplicate Check will not be able to be selected until the field is published.
Note: If you don't want your users to be able to change the values that auto populate into the field, you can Lock the field. It will still auto populate/update
Editing an Auto Populate Field
Once an auto populate field has been configured and the form has been published, the link between forms cannot be changed. If you need to change the relationship, deactivate this auto populate field, add a new auto populate field, and configure it.
Convert to Static Field
If auto populate is no longer desired and you would like to change this field to a static place to collect data, select "Convert to Static Field." The data that has been automatically populated will remain as a static selection, but new data will not be automatically populated from a different form.
Note: Careful! Once it has been made static this cannot be undone!
If the auto populate field pulled data from a name field, the new static field will become a regular name field. If the auto populate field pulled information from an email field, the new static field will become a regular email field.
Special Properties
Auto Update: Select this is you would like the auto populate field to update itself when information in the base form has been changed.
Note: The data will refresh and update itself only when a record is opened and saved (if you do not save the record after you open it that newly auto updated value does not stick).
Step 4: Auto-populate data within a record
Click the "Add" option that comes from the Linking field
A pop up shows up that shows available records to auto populate from. Pick the one you need
You'll notice in this screenshot we have a "Link Added..." message. This shows that the link was created successfully
You'll also see at this time the auto populate fields have been saved in
At this point, you may click the X in the "Link Added..." message as well as the search pop up
Make sure to click Save Record to save any changes