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How do I copy a record?
Updated over a week ago

The ability to copy existing records can be a valuable tool in your arsenal. Whether you need to create multiple similar client profiles, duplicate a service log, or replicate a program enrollment, the Copy Record functionality provides a convenient way to avoid redundant data entry and ensure consistency across your database.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to create copies of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 record.


  • This article does not review how to copy a form, as only Support can perform this action for you. Support can copy a Tier 1 form and make it a Tier 2 form under a different Tier 1 form, and they can also copy a Tier 2 form and make the copy a separate Tier 1 form.

  • Check for linking fields on any form you may consider enabling copies for, as the links associated with a record are also transferred when the record is copied.

  • You cannot undo a record copy. The copied record will have to be manually archived by an Administrator or user with permission to archive records.

  • If a form that allows copies also has an email trigger field to send emails when a record is updated, an email will send every time a record is copied. If the email trigger is set to when a record is created, copying a record will not send an email.

Step 1: Edit the form's properties

Copies are enabled on a form-by-form basis. To turn on this functionality, click the Administrator tab and select "Standard Forms" under the Form Designer category of the navigation bar.

Open whichever form you want to be able to copy records of. Then, click the top-most gear icon on the page to open the Form Properties window. In the Settings section, check the "Allow Copies" box then click Apply to close the window.

Select "Publish Form" from the Form Actions palette to make this change available to users during data entry.

Step 2 (optional): Clear field values on copied records

Copying a record saves all its data to the copy by default, save for any fields marked as Duplicate Check. Duplicate Check fields remain blank in copied versions so users can re-enter unique data in those fields and avoid duplicate records. If there are additional fields you want emptied when copying records, you can click the field's gear icon and enable the "Clear On Copy" property.

Note: It is possible to mark a field as both Required and "Clear on Copy". If you choose to enable both properties, users that copy a record must fill out all missing required fields before they can successfully save the copy.

Click Apply to close the window and be sure to publish your form again.

Step 3: Copy a Tier 1 record

Switch to the "My Apricot" tab and select a Tier 1 form name from the Search Records category of the navigation bar.

On the Record Search page, select the Tier 1 record you want to copy. Click Edit at the top of the Document Folder to open the Tier 1 record itself.

Select "Copy Record" in the Record Options palette and a copy will be created immediately. In the confirmation pop-up, you can choose to reload the original record or go to the copied record. We highly advise users to check every copied record afterward to ensure each field that should have data is not blank; if users do experience this issue, it's possible a field was previously marked as "Clear on Copy" that should not be.

Step 4: Copy Tier 2 records

You can copy a Tier 2 record following the same steps as copying a Tier 1 record; however, the copy will be saved under the same Tier 1 record as the original Tier 2 record.

It's also possible to copy all records from one Document Folder and save them to another Document Folder. This is useful for Tier 2 records that apply to multiple Tier 1 records but weren't created with the Batch Record tool, or records that need to be associated with a different Tier 1 record than the one they were associated with at the time of creation.

In the Document Folder for a Tier 1 record, click the kebab menu (or three-dot icon) at the top-right of the page, then select "Copy Records".

This will open a Record Search pop-up window for the Tier 1 form. Click the name of a Tier 1 record or the "+" icon in the Add column to select which Document Folder(s) you want to copy Tier 2 records into.

Then, expand each Tier 2 form under "Additional Documents" and click the double-square icon in the Copy column next to a record you want to be copied to the selected Document Folder(s). A pop-up message will appear at the top of the page for you to confirm this action.

Another pop-up will appear once the records are successfully copied. Fields marked as "Clear on Copy" or "Duplicate Check" within the selected forms will have blank values for those fields in the copies.

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