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Apricot Tabs

The tabs across the top of your Apricot allow you to access different parts of the software.

Updated over a week ago

My Apricot tab:

1. The My Apricot tab allows access to the data entry side of Apricot.

2. When you click "My Apricot," you are taken to the main dashboard or landing page for Apricot data entry.

3. The left menu shows the list of available forms that can be accessed for entering data under the "Search Records" drilldown.

4. My Reports allows you to run reports that have already been built and can be found under "My Apricot Tools" on the left.

5. My Bulletins is a shortcut to the dashboard or landing page where bulletins or announcements are displayed.


Administrator tab:

1. The Administrator tab allows access (for users with administrator privileges) to the Administrator side of Apricot.

2. News and notifications from SSG to Administrators can be seen here.

3. This is where you can access forms to change or adjust the design elements, like what fields are included in a form, or what it looks like when users enter data.

4. In the Report Center, you can build new reports and edit ones that already exist.

5. Administrators can also access user profiles and permissions.


Customer Care tab and Help Center tab:

1. Click either the Customer Care tab or the Help Center tabs to study product documentation, watch training materials, ask questions, or report problems with your Apricot site.

  1. When either one is selected,  click the Log In Using Apricot link.

For further assistance with the help center, see the article Using the Help Center.

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