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How do I format a report column? (Native Reporting)
Updated over 4 months ago

Users have the ability to fine-tune the appearance and behavior of data in a single report column by managing the column's properties. The settings available depend on the data type of the report column; for example, the properties of a date field are different from the properties of a numeric field.

Continue reading below to learn more about column properties and how they affect your report.

Column Properties

Click the green gear icon next to a column's name to access its properties.

Each column is automatically named after the field as it's listed on the form. You can rename the column in the Name field to better differentiate between similar fields.

Data Style

Depending on the type of data in your column, you will have different options under this section.

The below screenshot shows the available data styles for a date field. These simply determine what date format or combination of date components is displayed in the column. The Report Builder can also create calculations with the dates relative to today's date.

As another example, you can add symbols to represent dollars or percentages or choose whether to represent the data with decimals or whole numbers in numeric column properties.


This property allows you to display a Summary value at the bottom of the report column. The following options are available for date fields:

  • No Summary: Will not summarize column data.

  • Earliest: Will list the oldest date within the column at the bottom.

  • Latest: Will list the most recent date within the column.

  • Count Distinct: Will list the number of distinct or unique values in this column.

Available Summary options for numeric data include:

  • Total: Adds the values of every row in the column.

  • Average: Averages all the values within the column.

  • Average (no zeroes): Averages the values, excluding any zero or null values.

  • Minimum: Displays the lowest value.

  • Maximum: Displays the highest value.

  • Count Distinct: Counts the number of distinct or unique values within the column.

If you change the data style for your column, different summary options will become available to you. Click the green "Data Style changed" text under the Summary header to refresh the report and view the new summaries.


This section of the column properties manages cosmetic changes for your column data. Click the black arrow to expand the available options. The below screenshot

  • Sort: Organizes values in ascending or descending order.

  • Hidden: Hides the column when the report is run, which is useful if the column is only used to feed data into calculations.

  • Width: Sets the width for your column up to 440 pixels. The minimum width allowed depends on the width of the data inside of the column.

  • Alignment: Justifies the column title and contents to the left, center or right of the table.

  • Font Style: Sets the font of the column title and contents to normal, bold, or italicized.

  • Color: Changes the font color of the column title and contents. Color options are dependent on which browser you use (ex. Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

Click Apply to save any changes and close the section's properties. Be sure to save and publish the report from the Report Actions palette to make the changes immediately available to other users running the report.

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