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How do I attach a document or image to a form?
How do I attach a document or image to a form?
Updated over a month ago

Form fields govern how data is collected and reported on in Apricot. A diverse selection of fields is available in the Form Designer to tailor your forms to your organization's data entry needs.

In the Field Choices palette, fields are organized by category or in alphabetical order within the "All" section. Once you've found the field you want to add to your form, you can drag and drop the name of the field into the main body of the form section.

Continue reading below to learn how to utilize the fields available in the Upload category.


  • These fields cannot be pulled into native reports, and there is not a mass export option for the files uploaded with these fields. If at any point you want to retrieve the uploaded files from Apricot, you'll need to access each individual record and download the document or image to your computer.

  • The Preview File function is only available for .pdf, .png, and .jpg file types.

Attach Doc

Attach Doc allows users to upload a stored document or file from their computer to the record they're creating. Once the record is saved, a link to the file will appear on the record for anyone with the proper access to open and save. The file size limit for this field is 25 MB.

The non-comprehensive list of supported file types include:

  • Microsoft Office (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx)

  • Comma Delimited (.csv)

  • Open Office Spreadsheet (.ods)

  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

  • Image files (.gif, .jpeg, .png)

  • Text files (.txt, .pdf, .csv,)

  • Text/HTML files (.html, .htm)

The non-comprehensive list of unsupported file types include:

  • Open Document (.odf)

  • Zip files (.zip, .zipx)

  • Microsoft Office (.docm, ,xlsm, .pptm)

  • Image files (.bmp, .tiff)

  • High Efficiency image files (.heif, .heic)

  • Audio files (.m4a, .mp3, .wav)


Image allows users to upload .jpg and .png image files from their computer to the record they're creating. The uploaded image will be displayed within the record once the record is saved.


  • Images might be rotated in Apricot depending on your camera or the saved metadata. We recommend double-checking your camera's settings and the final image before uploading, as it cannot be rotated or adjusted in Apricot.

  • The uploaded images will not be available for download; if you want to retrieve the images from your records, we recommend using the Attach Doc field instead of the Image field. While you're able to right-click on the image once the record is created to save the image to your computer, there's a significant difference in the size and quality of the image saved.


To view the image files uploaded in the records on the Record Search page and the Document Folder, set the field to Quick View in the Standard Properties.

The Height and Width on Record special properties allow you to set the pixel height and width for uploaded images. The minimum size for any uploaded image is 100x100 pixels, whereas the maximum size depends on the user's monitor size.

Note: Images larger than 100x100 pixels may cause fields surrounding the Image field to be less visible or accessible for data entry. If you need to set the width and height larger than 100x100 pixels, we recommend placing the Image field in its own form section.

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