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FAQs: Automated Export from Results Reporting (Apricot to SFTP)
FAQs: Automated Export from Results Reporting (Apricot to SFTP)
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Important: This article assumes you have already enlisted our Professional Services team for help exporting your Apricot data through SFTP. If this is not the case, please reach out to the Account Management team here to begin this process, as the SFTP credentials necessary to set up your SFTP resources must be provided by Bonterra.


This document covers basic information and frequently asked questions about automated exports from Apricot Results Reporting. Once set up, this process functions similarly to scheduled reports, but sends the files to an SFTP file server set up by Bonterra to be collected by the client.

Q: How do I set up my data to export?

Automated Exports from Results Reporting use the scheduled reports feature. Once it has been set up, reports scheduled to the provided SFTP server can be rescheduled, modified, paused, or stopped just like any other scheduled report. Further details about this process can be found in the related article:

Q: How does this process differ from other scheduled reports?

Aside from delivering to a different destination, the functionality is the same. The same file formats can be chosen, and the naming convention of the output file can be determined in the same way. The same size limits of the export will still apply, but may be slightly different from a report scheduled via email, due to how the data is being sent, and because many email servers have their own additional limitations.

Q: How do I access the file(s)?

Reports scheduled via this feature are stored online to be accessed via an SFTP protocol or program. Files remain in storage for 30 days before being automatically deleted.

Our Professional Services team recommends using CyberDuck, a free and open source FTP/SFTP solution for accessing your files. Any SFTP program should work, but this one has been tested and verified by the team to ensure it will work for accessing your files. Our team recommends performing any initial testing with CyberDuck prior to using your organization's own FTP/SFTP software. This will help our troubleshoot any potential issues.

Note: It is a known issue that WinSCP does not currently work with our SFTP implementation.

Q: Can I set up my own SFTP location for these exports?

The SFTP location for the exports must be provided and maintained by Bonterra. Clients are unable to schedule reports to their own SFTP location.

Q: Is it possible to overwrite the export each time it is scheduled?

Different SFTP programs have different options for how to handle files with matching information. Each time a file is sent, a setting on the client's side controls whether files under certain parameters are duplicated or overwritten, some with more granularity of options than others.
In CyberDuck, this setting looks at files with exactly matching file names. If a recurring report is scheduled with the exact same file name each time, this option under Edit > Preferences (as shown below) controls whether those files are overwritten or not.

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