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Direct Messages for Apricot 1.0 | Release 1 Notes
Direct Messages for Apricot 1.0 | Release 1 Notes

Available to customers on 8/2/19

Updated over a week ago


This document outlines the first release of Direct Messaging capabilities. Direct Messaging is available to all Apricot Core and 360 customers.

Direct Messages:  

Direct Messages is an enhancement to Connect that allows Apricot administrators to send an email to participants, with or without a link to complete a form.  

Direct Messages for Administrators includes:  

  • Direct Message Dashboard 

  • View Recent Messages  

  • Ability to create a DM via New Direct Message Wizard  

  • Message Setup  

  • Select Recipients  

  • Compose Message 

  • Attach a Tier 2 form   

  • Review & Send  

  • View Message Details 

  • Track Response Status  

  • See undeliverable and opted-out Email Addresses  

Direct Messages for Participants includes:  

  • Ability to receive emails  

  • Ability to complete form (survey, assessment etc.) without logging into Connect 

  • Unsubscribe from future Direct Messages  


  • Email Direct Messages are unlimited  

  • A participant must have an Enabled Connect license to receive a Direct Message.

  • Apricot Core clients have 500 Connect licenses with the ability to purchase unlimited licenses. Apricot 360 clients have unlimited Connect licenses.

  • All customers currently using Connect will have Direct Messages automatically activated on 8/2.

  • Customers are warned against sending promotional content and protected information via DM, as these emails are not encrypted.  

Administrator: Dashboard 

Below is the Dashboard presented when Administers navigate to Direct Messages via the Connect drop down on the left side panel. 

  1. Recent Messages | If Administrators have previously sent a Direct Message, a summary will appear in the Recent Messages table. If the DM has a link attached, it will be indicated by a link icon. Also, the Responses column will be populated with the number of participants that have submitted the form.  By clicking the eye icon the user will be taken to Message Details where they can see the content of the DM and understand how the message is performing (undeliverable addresses, opened but not completed, etc.)  

  2. Creating a Direct Message | To create a new DM, users will click "NEW DIRECT MESSAGE" from the Dashboard, thereby launching the New Message Wizard.

  3. Administrators Only | At this time only Administrators can create and send Direct Messages. Connect and Direct Messages are currently not supported in Assigned Roles.  

  4. All Direct Messages | View information about all previous Direct Messages.

  5. Drafts | will show the total number of saved drafts.

  6. Open | will show the total number of sent DMs with a form linked and an expiration date that is more than 7 days away.

  7. Expiring Soon | will show the total number of sent DMs with a form linked and an expiration date that is less than 7 days away.

Administrator: New Message Wizard

The first step in creating a Direct Message is to provide initial inputs, including selecting a title and appropriate name & email fields  

* Please be aware that all selections in Message Setup are required. 

  1. Message Title | User should select a Message Title that will be easily understood within their organization. The Message Title will be used for tracking purposes on the Dashboard and Recent Messages table. NOTE: Message Title is not the Email Subject line. Message Title is meant to make tracking and accessing DMs within Apricot easy. 

  2. Select Participant Type | In order to see a list of potential recipients, users need to select which Participant Type the recipients belong. Participant Type is administered within Connect and is linked to a particular Tier 1 form that holds Name and Email data. NOTE: Steps to configure Participant Types can be found below step 5.

  3. Map Name | To select which Name will appear in the Direct Message (e.g. Hello Tully), users should click the appropriate Name field. NOTE: There may be multiple Name Fields in a Tier 1 record. For example, organizations may be collecting emergency contacts in a Volunteer Profile. If they would like the DM delivered to the Volunteer, they should select Volunteer Name not Emergency Contact Name.  

  4. Map Email | Similarly, users should select the email address that will be receiving the DM.

  5. Map Phone | Similarly, users should select the phone number that will be receiving the DM.

  6. Select Next | To move forward and begin selecting, users will click "NEXT" at the bottom of the page.

  7. Exit

To configure Participant Types:  

  • Exit the New Message Wizard and navigate to Participants via the Connect drop down on the left side panel.  

  • Click  and select appropriate fields to create a Participant Type

  • You will now be able to move forward to in the New Message Wizard.   

Select Recipients

  1. View Message Title | As completed in Message Setup, users can now see Message Title and quickly reference their intention as they select recipients.

  2. Search Recipient Table | To quickly find a recipient or group of recipients with a similarity (ex. same last name), users should type search criteria in the Search Bar and either hit Enter on keyboard or click "SEARCH".

  3. Sort | Users may sort recipients alphabetically by First Name, Last Name or Email Address. By default the table is sorted by Last Name

  4. Make Recipient Selection & See Unsubscribed Status | If the recipient has the MAP Email field saved in a Tier 1 form, users will be able to check the box and send a Direct Message to that individual.  If the recipient does not have the MAP Email field completed, “Not Listed” will appear in the Email Address column and the check box will not be present.  Additionally, if the recipient has previously received a Direct Message and elected to unsubscribe from future communications, the "No" icon will appear next to their Email Address and the check box will not be present.  

  5. Select Next  | To move forward and begin crafting the email, users will click "NEXT" at the bottom of the page. NOTE: Users will not be able to move forward until at least one recipient has been selected to receive a DM. Users may also move back to Message Setup by clicking "BACK". Selecting "EXIT" will discard all entries made so far on the New Message Wizard and navigate the user to the Dashboard

  6. Save & Exit | Allows to save your direct message as a Draft.

  7. Opted Out & Prior Failure | Displays if any participant has opted out of receiving messages from your organization, or if any previous direct message failed to send to a participant. NOTE: Once "Opted Out", participants can no longer receive direct messages from your organization using a given email address, and would need to be reregistered in your "participant type" using a totally different email address to begin receiving direct messages once again.

  8. Back | Return to previous page.

  9. Exit

Compose Message

  • Please be aware that all selections in Email Subject and Email Message are required.   

  1. View Message Title | As completed in Message Setup, users can now see Message Title and quickly reference their intention as they draft the body of the email.  

  2. From | The email address from which the Direct Message will be sent. NOTE: The from address can be added via the Connect Settings page.

  3. Reply to | If a reply is sent to the Direct Message, it will be sent to the email address indicated here.

  4. Email Subject* | Users should enter an Email Subject that will display as the email subject line for recipients receiving the DM. NOTE: This is not the same as Message Title, which is used for tracking purposes within Direct Messages.

  5. Email Message* | The desired content of the Direct Message should be typed in Email Message. We are not currently limiting the characters in the email body, however, users should be aware there is a 25MB limit to a single DM. The Email Message box size can be adjusted by clicking on the text resize control in the bottom right corner and dragging to preferred size. NOTE: Every DM will include an option at the bottom of the body of the email to unsubscribe from future communications. The option is presented as a hyperlinked “Unsubscribe”. 

  6. Include a Form | Within DMs, users may include a link to complete one Tier 2 form. A dropdown menu, Forms Linked, will show available Tier 2s. If a form is selected, the option is presented as a hyperlinked “Click Here to complete task”. Users can preview the recipient’s view of the form by clicking "PREVIEW". Once the recipient completes the form and clicks Submit, the record will be saved in the Document Folder.

  7. Program Assignment | Any records of the linked form from step 6 will be assigned to the program you select here.

  8. Set Form Completion Deadline (Expiration Date) | Often it makes sense to set an expiration date for a survey or form. Users may select a date that thereafter, recipients may no longer access the form. NOTE: This date is not presented to recipients. If the deadline needs to be expressed, please include messaging in Email Message.

  9. Attach Files | You may attach document(s) to an email Direct Message. We support most commonly used document types (.doc, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, .pdf, .jpeg et cetera) NOTE: The maximum size of attachments is 5MB

  10. Next | Click the "NEXT" icon to review your text message before sending

  11. Save & Exit | Allows to save your direct message as a Draft.

  12. Back | Return to previous page.

  13. Exit

Review & Send

  1. View Message Title | As completed in Message Setup, users can now see Message Title and quickly reference their intention as they review the content and recipient list.

  2. Review Message | Users can review inputs as completed on Compose Message in the Message box. Users can preview the form if a Tier 2 was selected.

  3. Edit Message | Changes can be made by selecting "EDIT", which will navigate users to Compose Message in the New Message Wizard.

  4. Review Recipients | Users can review and alphabetically sort recipients by First Name, Last Name or Email Address as completed on Select Recipients.  

  5. Edit Recipients | Changes as needed can by made by selecting "EDIT", which will navigate users to Select Recipients in the New Message Wizard.

  6. Send Message | Clicking "SEND" will begin sending Direct Messages to all selected recipients. NOTE: There is no option to retract at this time. Please ensure promotional or private information that requires encryption is not being sent.

  7. Save & Exit | Allows to save your direct message as a Draft.

  8. Back | Return to previous page.

  9. Exit

Administrator: Message Details

Immediately After Sending 

Once an administrator has clicked "SEND", Direct Messages presents two options.

  1. View Message Details | Users can view the Direct Message’s content and recipient list by selecting View Message Details. NOTE: Email delivery is handled by a third party, Amazon Web Services Pinpoint, and may not send instantly. 

  2. Return to Dashboard | Users may also return to the Direct Message Dashboard by clicking Go to Dashboard 

Reviewing Message Details
Users can access Direct Message Details by either selecting View Message Details from the Direct Message Sent page or by selecting  the eye icon from the Recent Messages table on the Dashboard.  

  1. Review Message | Users can review inputs as completed on Compose Message in the Message box. Users can preview the form if they had selected a Tier 2 form.

  2. Review Recipients | Users can review and alphabetically sort recipients by First Name, Last Name or Email Address as completed on Select Recipients. As the Direct Message has been sent at this point, users can now track Response Status.

  3. Delivery State | Users will also understand how their message is performing and if action is needed to update email addresses. There are four states indicated in Direct Message Details, three are included in the legend: Sent – if the email was delivered, Failed – if the email was undeliverable because of an invalid email address or spam trigger, or Opted-out – if the participant elected to not receive future communication

  4. Response Status | To determine if recipients have seen the Direct Message and taken action if a form is linked can be determined by the Responses Status column. Response Status for Direct Messages without a linked form can be: Unopened – if the recipient has not opened the email, or Opened – if the recipient has opened the email  Response Status for Direct Messages with a linked form can be: Incomplete – if the recipient has not opened the email, Opened – if the recipient has opened the email, but not completed the form, or Completed – if the recipient has completed the form. For ease, users can filter the Recipients table by Response Status to narrow focus on recipients who have or have not taken a certain action. 

  5. Create Report | This button will navigate you to the Report List page, allowing you to create a new report if you like.

Participants: Using Direct Messages

Receiving Direct Message

  1. From Address | Currently all Direct Messages will come from Administrators should be aware that the organization name will not be present unless the author includes it in the Email Subject or Email Message

  2. Actions Available | A participant will always have the option to Unsubscribe from future Direct Messages. If a user has attached a Tier 2 form, the recipient will access the form by selecting Click Here.


  1. Confirm Intent to Unsubscribe | When a recipient selects Unsubscribe they are navigated to the above page. To opt-out of future Direct Messages, the recipient should select Yes then Submit. To continue receiving communications, the recipient should select No then Submit

Completing Forms

  1. Completing Forms* | Forms linked to Direct Messages are very similar to available Connect forms. Participants should fill out fields and answer questions honestly and accurately. Please be aware that at least one field will always be required. NOTE: Not all field types are currently supported in Connect, and therefore Direct Messages.  

  2. Resetting and Submitting Forms | If a recipient would like to restart filling out a form, they should click "Reset" to begin again. NOTE: If a recipient navigates away, responses are not saved if they navigate back. When recipients are satisfied with their responses, they should click "Submit" to submit information to the organization.  

This page will show after a participant has submitted their form. A participant can only create one record through each DM.

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