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How do I edit a report's properties? (Native Reporting)
How do I edit a report's properties? (Native Reporting)
Updated over 4 months ago

Report properties govern a user's ability to edit a report and view data upon opening a report.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to access and manage a report's properties.

Step 1: Open a report

In the Administrator tab, expand the Report Center category in the navigation bar and select Reports.

Then, click the black arrow next to a report category to expand the list of reports within it.

Scroll to find the report you want to open, then hover your mouse over the Actions tab next to it and click Edit. This will open the report in Edit mode within the Report Builder.

Step 2: Review all properties

To edit properties that govern the entire report, click the green gear icon to the right of the report name.

Here, you may edit the report's name and description. The description is displayed for users in the Report Center and My Reports page when clicking the name of the report for more details.

The Auto Run settings determine whether or not the report's data automatically loads when opening the report in Edit mode or Run mode. To learn more about these settings, click here.

Step 3: Save your changes

Once you've finished managing your report's properties, click Apply to confirm your changes.

Then, select 'Save' from the Report Actions palette. You can also publish the report to make the changes immediately available to other users running the report.

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