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What demographic fields are available in a form?
What demographic fields are available in a form?
Updated over a month ago

Form fields govern how data is collected and reported on in Apricot. A diverse selection of fields is available in the Form Designer to tailor your forms to your organization's data entry needs.

In the Field Choices palette, fields are organized by category or in alphabetical order within the "All" section. Once you've found the field you want to add to your form, you can drag and drop the name of the field into the main body of the form section.

Continue reading below to learn how to utilize the fields available in the Demographic category.


Address displays two separate text boxes for a physical address. The first line is standard for the number and street name while the second line is optional for an apartment or unit number. The character limit for this field is 200 characters.

Address Lookup

Address Lookup allows the user to enter part of an address to see a search return of possible matches. Selecting the correct address will fill in the remainder of the boxes and display a map of the area.

If there are no matches for your address, manually type the full address. You can also select the Clear button to clear the fields and start over. Once you have finished entering an address, a map of your location will appear.


Within the Field Properties, you can require certain parts of the Address Lookup field if you don't need the whole field to be filled out.

Special Properties include:

  • Show Neighborhood: Shows the neighborhood associated with the address entered.

  • Show Country: Shows the country the address is located in.

  • Show Coordinates: Shows longitude and latitude coordinates.

Map Options allow you to configure the following:

  • Default Zoom Level: Increasing the zoom level highlights a smaller localized area in the map.

  • Hide Map: This hides the map from the Address Lookup field.

Note: When the Address Lookup field is set to Quick View, it will only show data as Quick View if all of the following data points are entered:

  • Line 1

  • City

  • State

  • County

  • Zip

We advise clicking on the correct address from the search results in order to fill out all of the above fields and enabling the map. If the criteria is met, then only Line 1 of the Address Lookup field will be displayed as Quick View. However, if the data is mapped, you can click on the house icon to display the full address in a pop-up.

Address Global Lookup

Address Global Lookup is similar to Address Lookup, but the search has already been configured to consider international addresses with matching criteria when providing search results.


Within the Field Properties, you can require certain parts of the Address Lookup field if you don't need the whole field to be filled out.

Special Properties include:

  • Show Neighborhood: Shows the neighborhood associated with the address entered.

  • Show Country: Shows the country the address is located in.

  • Show Coordinates: Shows longitude and latitude coordinates.

Map Options allow you to configure the following:

  • Default Zoom Level: Increasing the zoom level highlights a smaller localized area in the map.

  • Hide Map: This hides the map from the Address Lookup field.


This field displays three text boxes: First, Middle, and Last. Each of these values are stored separately and appear in individual columns when reporting on this data. You can't hide or remove the middle name field, however, but middle name is not required even when Name is a required field.

The Display Style property allows you to specify which part of the name to display first.



Phone can be set to the US format (four separate text boxes for the 3-digit area code, 7-digit phone number, and extension if applicable) or UK format (single text box). Only numeric values can be entered in this field. If an extension number is entered, the value will be stored as "x123" when printing or reporting.

Social Security Number

Social Security Number displays three separate text boxes that hold three, two, and four digits, indicating an individual's US Social Security Number.



State provides a dropdown menu that displays the names of every state for selection. This field is often paired with the Standard Address field, as the Address Lookup fields automatically include a State field.

The Default Value property allows you to set a particular state as the default if most of your data entry requires the same value in this field. You can enter the abbreviation or the full state name.



Zip displays two separate text boxes. The first holds the basic five-digit zip code number, while the second is optional for the additional four-digit postal code. If the postal code is entered, the field will display a dash between the text boxes. This field is often paired with the Standard Address field, as the Address Lookup fields automatically include a Zip field.

Note: When the Zip field is required, only the first text box must be entered. If this field is made "Required," only the first text box must be populated.

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