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How do I assign a Role to a user? (Role-Based Permissions)
How do I assign a Role to a user? (Role-Based Permissions)
Updated over 6 months ago

For Apricot to know which programs a user should see upon logging into the software and which actions they should be able to take in the specified programs, administrators must assign a user to one or more Roles and Programs when creating or editing a user account. Users will only have access to records and data specified by their assigned Role for the Programs they are assigned.

Note: Administrators can modify a user’s Role assignment at any time to assign the same Role to new programs or give the user a different role with greater access in an individual program.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to add a Role assignment.

Step 1: Navigate to Users

In the Administrator view of Apricot, expand the Access Control category of the navigation bar and select Users.

Step 2: Select a user

A list of users in your Apricot site will be displayed in the Account Management app. Either click the ‘New User +’ button in the top-right or select the existing user you want to assign a Role to. You can use the search bar or dropdown fields to filter the results.

Step 3: Update the user account

On either the Add New User page or the User Details page, click the ‘Add +’ button in the Assigned Roles, Sites and Programs section.

Note: Administrators can assign multiple Roles to a user; for example, if a staff member is a case worker for Program A and a report writer for Program B, they can have two separate Roles that grant them only the necessary access within each program.

Select the desired role(s) from the dropdown. Then check the box next to the program(s) where the user needs this role access. Click save to save your changes.

Complete the required details to send a new user invite or update the User Details page for an existing user to save your changes. The user will be successfully assigned to a role with access to their necessary program(s).

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