Looking to unlock a standard user's locked account? Check out this video that walks through how to help them regain Apricot access if they're unsuccessful in resetting their password.
Note: This article is specific to organizations using Legacy Permissions.
Step 1: Navigate to the Users page
At the top of the Apricot page, make sure you're located in the Administrator tab. From this view, expand the Access Control category in the navigation bar and select 'Users'.
Step 2: Edit their Users form
Click on the locked user account to go to their User Details page.
On this page, click 'Edit' at the top-right to view and edit their record of the Users form.
Step 3: Force a password reset
Check 'Yes' on the "Force password reset?" box. This will automatically direct the user to reset their password at their next login attempt from the Apricot login page.
Next, set a temporary password for the user in the Password field and click Change. You will send this temporary password to the locked-out user.
Finally, select Save Record to unlock their account.
Once the user logs in with the temporary password, they will be prompted to change the password.
After the user's password has been changed, the "Force password reset?" box on their Users form will no longer be checked.
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